Basic Airplane Etiquette

Basic Airplane Etiquette

Picture this….

You have just finished dealing with TSA! You ran to your terminal, your hair is tasseled, you’re panting, you pull out your boarding pass and after you’ve navigated your way to your seat with your carry on. You can finally breath in and relax!

Except, can you relax?

There’s someone behind you playing with the tray, tapping the back of your seat with their feet. Maybe someone stinks! Or keeps farting! Or snoring! Or doesn’t understand the concept of sharing the armrests! The amount of airplane etiquette violations in this world are insane!

Downloaded netflix movie, orange juice and snacks.

We have all been in this position in one way or another. Having our noses, eyes, and personal space violated by complete strangers.

Getting caught red handed taking a selfie with Santa….

Luckily for you, I have compiled a list of Basic Airplane Etiquette!

  1. Shower. Shower. Shower! Please shower. Even if it goes against your traveling juju. Do it for the sanity of everyone else on the plane.
  2. Be aware that the chair in front of you has a person in it. When you touch it, the person sitting in it feels that touch. For example, every time you touch your tray, the person whose chair is attached to it can feel that. Every time you touch the chair in front of you with your foot, the person sitting in that chair can feel it.
  3. Take notice of the armrests in between the chairs. Don’t take up all of the armrest space. It’s not nice. Maybe limit yourself to one armrest, unless they never touch it. You can just ask the person what they prefer.
  4. Headphones. If they’re up loud enough, anyone around you can hear them and not everyone wants to.
  5. Farting. I don’t know how to avoid this but if you can hold it, just try and hold it. And if it ‘just slips out’ own it? People like people who own their farts
  6. Chew with your mouth shut, especially if you’re a gum chewer like me.
  7. Don’t slurp… It’s just annoying.
Extra leg room!

Sitting on an airplane is a communal event.

Therefor one must be very self aware to assure that everyone has the most enjoyable experience possible. And if you follow these 7 basic airplane etiquette rules, you will be the most beloved of all flight passengers! I promise.

To balance out all this etiquette…

Lets talk about some fun you can have on an airplane starting with taking selfies with your buddy while they’re sleeping. Befriending the flight attendants so that they’ll give you extra goodies or better seats! Getting to know the person you are sitting next to. Who knows, you may make a new best friend!

What else would you add to the list of how to have fun on airplanes while following basic airplane etiquette?

In the mean time…

Happy Travels Travelers!

Airport Terminal
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1 Comment
  • Tricia Snow says:

    I have one for you! How about coughing while you are sick and not covering your mouth! I had this happen to me on my last plane trip and got sick as a dog. I kept my shirt over my mouth the whole time hoping to save myself. No luck.

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