13 Things to Know About Spain

13 Things to Know About Spain

Patrick and I spent a significant amount of time in Spain and learned quite a bit! We didn’t know much before we went that would have been helpful. So to help our Spain bound travelers, here is a list we compiled of things that are good to know. 

  1. The siesta is real. Don’t underestimate it’s powers over restaurants, meal times, when things will close…. stuff like that. 
  2. Stores have weird hours. 
  3. Food is cheaper and somehow always tastes better! Except the American fast food joints. Those are never good no matter where you are. 
  4. Public transit it pretty great and cheap, but BlaBlaCar is usually greater and cheaper.  
  5. Places can be closed even when they are supposed to be open. 
  6. In order to not pay for a bottle of water at a restaurant you have to specifically ask for a pitcher of tap water. Otherwise you will have to pay for bottles of water. Also, you have to ask for ice if you want ice.
  7. Water is drinkable in most places, but sometimes it tastes really bad, like in Barcelona. It tastes terrible but it’s good to drink.
  8. Everywhere you go, you will see an espresso bar with a regular bar inside.
  9. They love ham. More than anything. But don’t touch the ham. It is real greasy. 
  10. Olive oil and olives are crazy cheap and crazy good. Eat them always. 
  11. It does rain in Spain. And when it rains, it pours. Quite heavily.
  12. Not everyone is trying to rob you all the time. That is an American fallacy. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful anyways.
  13. Every region of Spain is different from the next

So there you have it! Some of the basics of going to Spain. Let me know if you have any questions! 


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