Mormon blog - The Trecking Family
Why you should ask for help as a mother

Why you should ask for help as a mother

Motherhood is one of the most rewarding experiences in life; however, it is also one of the most challenging. As…

Mormons and Abortion: What do we believe?

Mormons and Abortion: What do we believe?

Mormons and Abortion: Does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints condone it? This is a loaded hot topic…

Mormons and Abortion: What do we believe?
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

I took a slight break from writing but… I’M BACK! And I want to tell you all about this beautiful…

Naturopathic Remedies from around the world

Naturopathic Remedies from around the world

For me, traveling has been the gateway to intuitive health. It has opened my eyes to naturopathic and holistic health…

Naturopathic Remedies from around the world
Mormons and Baptisms for the dead

Mormons and Baptisms for the dead

Baptisms for the dead sounds kinda creepy. My husband, Patrick. If you have met a Mormon, talked to that Mormon,…

Mormons and General Conference

Mormons and General Conference

Twice a year Mormons all around the world convene for General Conference. Conference is, it’s a biannual conference where leaders…

Mormons and General Conference
Mormons and Emergency Preparedness: the Corona Virus Edition

Mormons and Emergency Preparedness: the Corona Virus Edition

If you want to survive any type of apocalypse… Join forces with your Mormon neighbors! They have everything a person…

Pledge To My Children

Pledge To My Children

Teach them… To see possibilities when all they’re shown are limits.  To be kind when they are faced with cruelty….

Pledge To My Children
Mormon Girl Develops an Eating Disorder

Mormon Girl Develops an Eating Disorder

When I was 20, I decided that I was going to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ…

Are Mormons a Cult?

Are Mormons a Cult?

People often wonder if Mormons are a cult. To keep it short, we are not a cult; I repeat, we…

Are Mormons a Cult?

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