Mormons and Women

Mormons and Women

Now days, the -ist train is the train to be on.

People seem to enjoy pointing fingers at this person or that, this group or that, or in our case, towards members of the Church and women and cry “they’re sexist!” Well, I’m here to tell you that simply is not true and never has been in regards to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Church, through the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, is an empowering organization for women. How does the Church do this? Through following the example of Jesus Christ as well as modern day revelation given to our prophets by Him.

The Church also empowers women through the Relief Society. This was an integral part of the foundation of the Church. The legacy of womanhood and empowerment continues through modern day revelation exemplified by the proclamation, which we will talk about later.

*Disclaimer: I am not saying that INDIVIDUALS in the Church are never sexist. Sure they are. Because they’re individuals with their own baggage, their own set of beliefs, and their own experiences. The Church, as an entity, is not. Mormons and women go hand in hand.

The Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of the oldest and largest women’s organizations in the world.

It was founded in 1842 by Emma Smith, who is the wife of the prophet Joseph Smith, the prophet of the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. There are now over 7 million women in Relief society in around 200 countries.

Emma smith

The Relief Society is dedicated to helping Mormons and women all over the world to find joy in their womanhood through charity and service. It empowers women through leadership opportunities and even strengthens communities through enriching the lives of women, and thus their families, of members and non members alike.

I haven’t always understood or appreciated how amazing it was to always be part of a woman’s organization like this. I now see why I’m so determined to squash out misogynism wherever I see it! Being a woman is the best!

Women in the Relief Society do small and big things every day, but also act globally. Having visited a number of countries with an active Relief Society, I can attest to this. Here is an article of the Relief Society in action for your reading leisure.

Before there was the Relief Society for women, there was Jesus.

Jesus is undisputedly the first man recorded in history to truly defend, empower, and enrich women. He elevated them every where he went. Something men did not typically do in that, or this, time. President Talmage said it best.

Jesus the Ennobler of Woman– Geikie {a bible scholar} thus paraphrases part of Christ’s reply to the Pharisee’s question concerning divorce, and comments thereon. “‘I say, therefore, that whoever puts away his wife, except for fornication, which destroys the very essence of marriage by dissolving the oneness it had formed, and shall marry another, commits adultery; and whoever married her who is put away for any other cause commits adultery, because the woman is still, in God’s sight, wife of him who had divorced her.‘ This statement was of far deeper moment than the mere silencing of malignant spies. It was designed to set forth for all ages the law of His New Kingdom in the supreme matter of family life. It swept away for ever from His Society the conception of woman as a mere toy or slave of man, and based true relations of the sexes on the eternal foundation of truth, right, honor, and love. To ennoble the House and the Family by raising woman to her true position was essential to the future stability of his Kingdom, as one of purity and spiritual worth. By making marriage indissoluble, He proclaimed the equal rights of woman and man within the limits of family, and, in this, gave their charter of nobility to the mothers of the world. For her nobler position in the Christian era, compared with that granted her in antiquity, woman is indebted to Jesus Christ”–Life of Word of Christ.

Jesus the Christ, pg 484, chapter 27, section 5.

There are a few more biblical stories I’ll point out below:

  • Jesus Christ also defended and protected the Adulterous Woman from being stoned and simultaneously pointed out the hypocrisy of the situation. The man wasn’t there.

  • After His resurrection, Jesus Christ first appeared to women because women were some of his most faithful and diligent followers.

  • He called female missionaries to spread His word.

Let’s jump ahead to Mormons and Women in modern days.

I view almost everything as a team sport. Every player is equally as important with their own roll to play.

In soccer the keeper isn’t less important than the striker and midfield isn’t more important than the defender, right isn’t more important than left, and front isn’t more important than back.

In the team sport of family the man is not more important than the woman and the parents are not more important than the children. Everyone is important with their own unique roll to play.

This is how Mormons view family and societal relationships.

The Family Proclamation to the World has great insite for Mormons and women and everybody else

If you’ve read any of my other posts, you’ll know that I love this Proclamation. It was revolutionary for its time and is growing ever more profound as society continues its rapid degradation. This Proclamation is meant to define the importance of family relationships on a personal and worldly level. The last paragraph boldly states, “Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.”

I would advise that you go read it yourself as I will only highlight three points within. The three points here were chosen for the relevance to this post in pointing out that men and women are equal yet different in their divine responsibilities.

Insight #1:

All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.

Second Paragraph, The Family Proclamation to the World

We are all created after the image of God. Therefore we are all equally as important and deserving of His love. Gender is part of our divine identity.

Insight #2:

Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.

Sixth Paragraph, The Family Proclamation to the World

Each parent is equally responsible for loving, raising, and teaching children correct principals in life.

Insight #3:

By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.

Seventh Paragraph, The Family Proclamation to the World
“Equal Partners” is not to be confused with “Same Partners”.

Just like in any sport, no position is the same. No player is the same. They all play an equally important role on the field. I would like to point something out. People may believe this to mean that women aren’t meant to work. That is not what it says. I am a full time working mother. Many of my friends in and out of the Church are working mothers. Please take note of the use of the word “primarily”.

Women in the Church are encouraged to get an education.

And to prepare to provide for themselves and their families, should the need become necessary. It is of paramount importance that women can be and are self reliant. I’ve had many funny experience of people asking me weird questions about the supposed suppressive nature of my life. Click here to read up on one of these funny instances.

On the other side of that, Mormons and Women alike know that their divine calling is the highest calling a person can have. For women, that is to be a Mother. Unfortunately in our super progressive society, being a stay at home mother has become a weakness. Any stay at home mother can tell you that the job is not for the faint of heart. Being a stay at home mother is the HARDEST job there is. We keep budgets, we maintain, we organize, we provide medical care, schedule appointments, resolve conflicts, cook, clean…the list goes on. It is a noble job that gets too little credit and is severely under paid.

Mormons are taught from a young age that we are all Children of God.

Being a Child of God brings with it knowledge that we are all created equal. Mormons know that through God’s eyes, no one is elevated above the another. This is exactly what Jesus taught in the Bible, Book of Mormon and now through modern day revelation.

I really want to impress this on all my readers, Mormon and Non-Mormon alike. I want them to understand that Mormons believe in equality. We believe that we are all loved and that we are all important and necessary and valuable.

In conclusion, now more than ever we have to rely upon our families…

…to maintain the foundations of society. Throwing around all these -ists erode the roll of women in subtly destructive and demoralizing ways. Women are important. Women have always been important. Ever since the creation of Eve and especially after she made the courageous decision to eat the fruit and open her eyes to progress.

If you take anything from this essay, I hope you take away the knowledge that Mormons and Women are a team. They work together to create a steadfast and immovable structure for good in this world.

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