Mormon Secrets - The Trecking Family
Mormons and Baptisms for the dead

Mormons and Baptisms for the dead

Baptisms for the dead sounds kinda creepy. My husband, Patrick. If you have met a Mormon, talked to that Mormon,…

3 Steps to Mormon Girl’s Eating Disorder Recovery

3 Steps to Mormon Girl’s Eating Disorder Recovery

Before you read this, go ahead and read this article’s predecessor. To read, click HERE! The Eating Disorder Recovery Journey…

3 Steps to Mormon Girl’s Eating Disorder Recovery
Are Mormons a Cult?

Are Mormons a Cult?

People often wonder if Mormons are a cult. To keep it short, we are not a cult; I repeat, we…

Mormon Girl Travels: Wearing Garments while Traveling.

Mormon Girl Travels: Wearing Garments while Traveling.

I recently received a question via the gram about wearing garments while traveling. She asked me if it was hard…

Mormon Girl Travels: Wearing Garments while Traveling.
Should a non-Mormon marry a Mormon?

Should a non-Mormon marry a Mormon?

Instead of asking yourself “Should a non-Mormon marry a Mormon?” ask yourself… Do you want to spend eternity with the…

Can a Mormon Marry a non-Mormon?

Can a Mormon Marry a non-Mormon?

Remember my last article about whether or not I, a Mormon woman, was allowed to date a non-Mormon man? If…

Can a Mormon Marry a non-Mormon?
Can A Mormon Date a Non-Mormon?

Can A Mormon Date a Non-Mormon?

Ever since I entered the dating world at the healthy age of 19 I’ve had people telling me I shouldn’t,…

Mormons and Their Magic Undies

Mormons and Their Magic Undies

Imagine this scenario. You, a woman, have just moved to a new city. You made a friend and met some…

Mormons and Their Magic Undies
Mormon Girl Uses Technology

Mormon Girl Uses Technology

Imagine this conversation: “Hey! My name is Clara. I will be one of your guides today! How are you feeling?”…

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